Digitalisierung und Innovation: Planung - Entstehung - Entwicklungspersp[..]
Frank Keuper & Kiumars Hamidian & Eric Verwaayen & Torsten Kalinowski & Christian Kraijo
User Experience Is Brand Experience: The Psychology Behind Successful ...
Felix van de Sand & Anna-Katharina Frison & Pamela Zotz & Andreas Riener & Katharina Holl
Scrum and XP from the Trenches How We Do Scrum - 2nd. Edition
Henrik Kniberg
Towards Non-Dominating Leadership: Aims and Methods of the Lumko ...
F. Lobinger
5 Minute Team Build Activities That Really Work!
BusinessManagement Daily
Die Malik ManagementSysteme - Grundlagen und Anwendung
Fredmund Malik