Beating the System:Using Creativity to Outsmart Bureaucracies ...
Russell Lincoln Ackoff & Sheldon Rovin
Digitalisierung in Der Praxis
Axel Uhl & Stephan Loretan
Machine Learning Techniques for VLSI Chip Design
Abhishek Kumar & Suman Lata Tripathi & K. Srinivasa Rao
Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation
Sharan B. Merriam & Elizabeth J. Tisdell
Scrum Essentials: Agile Software Development and Agile Project ...
Troy Dimes
Nachhaltigkeit anders denken: Veränderungspoten[..] durch Geschlechterpersp[..]
Christine Katz & Sebastian Heilmann & Anja Thiem & Katharina Moths & Lea M. Koch & Sabine Hofmeister