Corporate Performance Management: ARIS in Practice
August-Wilhelm Scheer & Wolfram Jost & Helge Heß & Andreas Kronz
Zukunft der Marktforschung: Entwicklungschancen in Zeiten von ...
Bernhard Keller & Hans-Werner Klein & Stefan Tuschl
Data Center Careers - Navigating the Twists & Turns of Hiring
Meghan Reilly & Karen Riccio & Alicia Schap & Susan Gillespie & Vanessa Ruiz de Vinaspre & Veronica Goldweber
Executable Specifications With Scrum: A Practical Guide to Agile ...
Mario Cardinal
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 4/10: Natural Resources ...
Daniel E. Vasey & Sarah E. Fredericks & Lei Shen & Shirley Thompson
The Confident Mind: A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance
Dr. Nate Zinsser
Why We Remember: The Science of Memory and How It Shapes Us
Charan Ranganath