Fixing Your Scrum
Ryan Ripley
Digitale Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen: Grundlagen, Instrumente ...
Daniel Schallmo & Andreas Rusnjak & Johanna Anzengruber & Thomas Werani & Michael Jünger
Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your ...
Aytekin Tank
Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers
Lean Enterprise Institute & Chet Marchwinski & John Shook
Nachhaltige Nicht-Nachhaltigk[..] Warum Die ökologische Transformation ...
Ingolfur Blühdorn & Felix Butzlaff & Michael Deflorian & Daniel Hausknost & Mirijam Mock
Complex Network Analysis in Python
Dmitry Zinoviev
Lean From the Trenches: Managing Large-Scale Projects With Kanban
Henrik Kniberg
A Scrum Book
Jeff Sutherland