Building AI Applications With ChatGPT APIs: Master ChatGPT, ...
Martin. Yanev
Business Analytics for Top Technology Innovations
Sumit Chakraborty
Agile Practice Guide
Project Management Institute
Agile 2: The Next Iteration of Agile
Cliff Berg & Kurt Cagle & Lisa Cooney & Philippa Fewell & Adrian Lander & Raj Nagappan & Murray Robinson
Valuing Agile: The Financial Management of Agile Projects
Alan Moran & Great Britain: Stationery Office
CSR Und Reporting
Matthias S. Fifka
Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility (1)
CSR Und Controlling
Edeltraud Günther & Karl-Heinz Steinke
CSR Und Neue Arbeitswelten
Brigitte Spieß & Nicole Fabisch
CSR Und Marketing
Christopher Stehr & Franziska Struve
CSR Und Social Media
Riccardo Wagner & Georg Lahme & Tim Breitbarth
CSR Und Strategisches Management
Thomas Wunder